Chapter 227: Huo Shiyan, is that you?_1

Noticing Liu Zhixue glancing frequently at Huo Shiyan and Shen Xinglan, Shen Xingye, holding her hand, asked: "What's wrong?"

Liu Zhixue shook her head. She decided it was better to discuss this in private.

"Huo Shiyan, give me a little more," said a muddled Shen Xinglan. The wine he made was aromatic and rich, with a fantastic taste.

"There's no more left, you've drunk it all. I'll pour a bit extra for you next time." Shiyan turned to look at her, speaking softly and lovingly.

"Really?" Shen Xinglan lifted her gaze to meet Shiyan's, her eyes clouded with drunkenness and her long eyelashes fluttering slightly.

"Yes, really. I'm not lying." Shiyan said, fondly patting her head. Assured by him, Xinglan smiled goofily and continued to lean on him, her drunkenness apparent.

"Xinglan is drunk. You should take her to rest," Shen Qinghe chuckled. He had never let his daughter touch alcohol since she was little, which resulted in her low tolerance.