Chapter 1: Why Such Madness?

"Zhan Se, Zhan Se!"

Zhan Se heard it; Du Xiaoren was outside the KTV box, shouting her name with a shrill voice.

"Fuck, tell her to get lost——"

Life was just so unpredictable. Just a second ago, she was in the KTV box singing a birthday song for a classmate, and in the next, after a trip to the bathroom, she was taken here by several towering figures...

Thump, thump, thump——!

Three knocks on the door, the man's gaze darkened...

Thump, thump, thump——!

Again, three knocks...

Thump, thump, thump——!

After three more knocks, the man finally lost his patience. With a 'hiss,' his chilling gaze flashed a warning at her, and a hint of malice at the corner of his eyes accompanied the cold rebuke from his mouth.

"Who the hell is knocking? Come in!"

"Oh my, my dear Fourth Master is also..." The newcomer, upon seeing the situation, changed their facial expression, stamped their foot, and then started to make a fuss, "Oh my God! What's going to happen now."

He glanced at the newcomer with a cool look, crossed his legs casually, and sat back, his posture both leisurely and arrogant. He blew a ring of smoke and spit a single word into the haze.


"I... ha... will scram now... But Fourth Master, look at this mess I have..."

"Fuck! Haven't you finished yet?"

Just after the cold rebuke, the next second, the man's falcon-like eyes moved slightly. He hooked his lips slightly, and his tall body leaned back accordingly, half-squinting those fierce eyes.

The blabbermouth quickly glanced at him and backed away obediently.

In the box, only two people remained again.

After a moment of silence...

The man pinched out the cigarette butt and stood up unhurriedly, straightening his belt around his waist, his frown very different from his earlier recklessness. The sinister sharpness at the corner of his eyes scythed across Zhan Se's face.

"If you don't want to die, play it smart."

After issuing the warning, he didn't look at her again and strode out.


Zhan Se called out to him.

"Is there something else?" The man turned around and raised an eyebrow, his tone cold and gloomy, and the depth in his eyes suddenly made her feel that the man who had been arrogant, angry, and volatile in front of the loudmouth was not the same unpredictable and dangerous guy standing before her now.

He was still arrogant, still proud, still domineering, but not frivolous.

She moistened her dry lips and softly spat out a few words, opening her hands.

"You're leaving just like that?! Give me my stuff."

The man squinted, his gaze filled with scrutinizing intent.

A few seconds later, he suddenly laughed. He lit another cigarette for himself, took a deep puff with his head down, and when he raised his head, his sharp eye corners were teasingly curved.

"Tell me, how much?"

"How much what?" Zhan Se was initially confused.


Her complexion changed, and after turning pale, her mind suddenly calmed down. "Rich guy, does your family sell integrity?"

Her biting sarcasm wasn't weak. The man's cold and imposing features darkened a bit more, as a pair of piercing eyes stared at her, coming closer with each step, bringing with them a dangerous air like a storm.

As she locked gazes with his dark pupils, Zhan Se felt like she was running out of breath.

Subconsciously, she moved back.


The man suddenly laughed again.

One arm lazily propped up beside her, he lowered his head, and the smoke ring sprayed onto her face. As she turned her head in discomfort,

Zhan Se wanted to fan him away, but he was merely stating the facts.

To put it harshly, it was all for show.

Zhan Se considered this in her mind and suddenly felt a chill run down her spine.

The man scoffed coldly, his gaze fixed on her with a chilly intensity.

Zhan Se raised an eyebrow and scoffed back, "Don't look at me like that... I should be blushing now."

"You've got guts, don't you."

"Not too bad!"

After staring at her for a few seconds, the man suddenly moved closer, his thumb and forefinger grasping her neck, "Not scared? Believe it or not, I could crush you with just two fingers."


Zhan Se snorted, tilting her head up.

"Who are you trying to intimidate?"

With a light 'oh,' the man's eyes widened at the corners and he laughed once more.

"Do I look like some fake gangster to you?"

Gazing into his imposing black eyes, Zhan Se examined him and said at an even pace, "Although you've got the style of an actor playing a gangster character... your eyebrows extend beyond the corners of your eyes, and you tend to look people in the eye, which indicates you are just and loyal. You have a broad forehead, a prominent nose, and clear black and white in your eyes—your features are upright. I'm not wrong, am I?"

The man glanced at her askance, his brows tightened.

"Also, you're meticulous, handle things methodically, and you have the clear calluses of someone who has handled guns. You should... have undergone professional training,"

His cool gaze locked onto her, the man stood up straight, his demeanor no longer frivolous. Turning his head, his voice was again stern and gloomy.