Chapter 5: Saving You Once

Her heart suddenly turned cold. Was she really going to end her night at the hands of an old lecher with a face full of wrinkles?


Just as half of her body was being pulled into the private room, the door of the adjacent room opened.

The first to emerge were several men in black, who moved as swiftly as ancient imperial bodyguards protecting the 'emperor', quickly taking up defensive formations. They were respectful, grave, and meticulous.

Immediately after, a tall and sturdily-built man walked out.

His face was somber, his features darkly attractive, his expression stern.

Lord Quan the Fourth?

She felt an inexplicable surge of excitement in her heart. As the saying goes, 'between two evils, choose the lesser', and she hardly had time to think before she summoned all her strength and let out a hoarse cry.

"Fourth Master!"

The man arrogantly took his stance, raised an eyebrow as he looked at her, his cold face stern and rigid as if he didn't recognize her at all, as if he completely ignored the danger she was in from being dragged inside by a man, his indifference maddening.

"What is it?"

The hope that had sprung up a second ago was killed by his aloofness the next.

Was the relationship between them not close enough that he would save her from danger?

What to do?

In the heat of desperation, Sun Ershou probably thought she was acquainted with him and loosened his grip on her hand slightly. Delighted, she was about to organize her words to save herself when another stunning beauty emerged from the room, casting an affectionate glance up at Lord Quan the Fourth.

"Emperor Quan, who is this young lady?"

Emperor Quan's eyes flickered: "Don't know her."

Her heart skipped a beat, and Zhan Se was stunned.

Looking at the dark, haughty, and solemn man before her, she really couldn't connect him with the wicked and wild ruffian she had seen last night at the KTV. Did he not remember her, or was he deliberately ignoring her?

Her heart pounded like thunder.

She steeled herself, ready to throw caution to the wind.

Maintaining one's chastity was more important than anything else. No matter what, escaping danger was paramount.

Seeing Lord Quan the Fourth start to leave, with no other options, she clenched her teeth and exerted all her strength to break free from Sun Ershou's loose grasp. She dashed forward, bird returning to the nest, and hugged his waist from behind.

"Fourth Master, are you really so heartless? A day as husband and wife earns a hundred days of grace!"

Her aggrieved shriek had barely faded when the corridor was swept by a gust of wind.

Not caring about the feelings of others, Zhan Se leaned weakly against the man's back, and whispered in a voice pressed low, "Help me."

Emperor Quan didn't respond. He glanced down, his gaze landing on the woman's fingers wrapped around his waist. Fair, translucent, pink fingertips like peeled scallions, clung to his clothes, like a drowning person clinging to the only lifesaver.

Frowning slightly, his voice was cool as a deep pool, "I have a condition."


Zhan Se's cheeks, flushed red by alcohol, grew even hotter.

Heartless bastard!

So, he had recognized her all along, yet he was taking advantage of her misfortune, repaying her with spite?

Zhan Se really wanted to bash her head against him, but the harsh reality was there, forcing her to submit.


The dark sharpness in the man's eyes dissolved, and he smiled unnaturally. He peeled her arms from around his waist, turned around to brush aside the hair covering her ears, and deliberately adjusted the black-framed glasses on her face. He stared intently at her with profound and complex eyes.

"The glasses are ugly! I barely recognized you."

"Emperor Quan—" The beautiful woman waiting beside them frowned.

Emperor Quan's expression was cold and inscrutable as his face remained devoid of expression; he dismissively waved his hand at her.

The beauty hesitated for a second, then smiled and shrugged, walking away.

As they were at an impasse over this issue, Sun Ershou, who had grown impatient and slightly drunk on officialdom, could no longer hold back. Hesitating for a moment, he stepped forward and extended his hand.

"Brother, hello, I am..."

"Iron Hand!"

Emperor Quan raised his hand to interrupt Sun Ershou, a dramatic departure from his previous grave demeanor, and smiled casually, with a touch of mischief on his distinguished face, "Please, let this brother join us for hotpot."

Join Sun Ershou for hotpot? Zhan Se didn't understand.

Clearly at a loss for words, Sun Ershou understood even less.

Yet, even if he was fuming inside, there was no chance for him to burst out. Until now, he had never seen Emperor Quan, and he had no idea which temple's deity he was. But even the densest person could surmise something from the high-security entourage around him—he was a tough nut that couldn't be cracked.

"Brother, I'll skip the hotpot. Handing Zhan Se over to you, I can rest easy! Until next time!"

"Stop right there!"

After the two chilly words were spoken, as Sun Ershou turned back with a terrified pale face, Emperor Quan's face was once again full of smiles. He wrapped his arm across, pulling Zhan Se firmly into his embrace, "For the way you've looked after my woman, this hotpot is a must."

He said it with politeness, thoroughness, casually, without a hint of emotion.

But the words 'my woman' made Zhan Se's already rapid heartbeat race as if it had been wound up, lacking any semblance of control.

One minute later.

Sun Ershou, who had just been flaunting his authority, sat in Emperor Quan's private room with a pale and discolored face, clasping his hands on his thighs, unsure of where to put them, as beads of sweat on his forehead trickled down as if they could alleviate a drought.

"Brother, I, I didn't know Zhan Se was your woman... No, no, no, I mean, there's a bit of a misunderstanding between Zhan Se and me."

With a casual glance, Lord Quan the Fourth smiled and responded with an unrelated question, "Do you prefer the red hotpot or the 'mandarin duck' hotpot?"


Feeling anxious, Sun Ershou, utterly confused, replied with a smile, "Anything is fine... Brother, you're really too kind..."

Ten minutes later, exquisitely crafted golden metal hotpot utensils were served, and the dining table was replaced with a special stove-fitted hotpot table, the speed of service astonishingly swift. In this world, money ruled.

The hotpot bubbled more and more furiously!

Seeing Emperor Quan make no move, Sun Ershou relaxed significantly. Through the steam rising thickly from the hotpot's broth, he looked at Zhan Se who was leaning on Emperor Quan, charming in her appearance, and said with a smiling face.

"Zhan Se, I was genuinely concerned about your safety just now. Little Du, that girl, was drunk, so I had the driver take her home first. But I couldn't leave you alone, could I? I had to wait for the driver to come back and pick you up..."