Chapter 10: The God Dragon's Tail Sweep Ultimate Move! (2)

Emperor Quan didn't seem surprised as he leisurely took out a cigarette from a tacky gold cigarette case. After lighting it and taking a drag, he looked over through the lingering smoke with eyes that seemed to see right through her, "How do you plan to pay back?"

"Go away! I don't owe you money, what's there to pay back?" By now, she could only stubbornly refuse to back down.

"Say it again, you don't owe me?"

"I don't owe!" Amidst his oppressive presence, Zhan Se adjusted her breathing and sped up her speech to gain a sense of self-righteous support, "Surname Quan, not to mention that whatever you gave me is mine now, but shouldn't you pay me for emotional distress? You should know that rehearsing a scene with a man who has sexual psychological issues like you could easily infect someone with... anhedonia!"

"Brave words." Emperor Quan narrowed his eyes and smiled, "Go on!"

"That's it." She said stiffly, and glancing sideways at him, seeing no reaction, she felt a surge of courage, "All right, you asked for it. Sure, you saved me once, so we're square. But Fourth Master, you're a person of high status,"

Mid-sentence, the man's face changed. Clenching a cigarette between his lips, he didn't wait for her to react, pulled a fierce face, and yanked her into the car, slamming her down onto the passenger seat. He then started the car swiftly, looking like a vicious bandit who steals democracy, "You're the fucking sick one, selling jade worth tens of millions for just a hundred thousand?"

What?! Tens of millions? Millions, millions...

Zhan Se was sprawled between the passenger seat and the man's thigh, unable to ponder how he knew, but mentally kicking herself for the oversight, her throat feeling like it was blocked.

"That's not possible, right? No, it can't be."

With a heavy snort, Lord Quan the Fourth's face became even more dark and ominous. Glancing occasionally at the rearview mirror like he was observing something, he nimbly weaved through the night traffic, berating her with a chilly face, "You don't know shit!"

Zhan Se couldn't help but laugh and cry, "You're the crazy one, who would believe that?"


"If it really was worth millions, would you just casually hand it over to me? Then who's the fool!? ...Hey, could it be, you've been secretly in love with me?"

"Fuck, did your brain get pawned off too?" Not knowing what got into him, the man's Adam's apple bobbed, his face a mix of complexity.

Beep, beep, beep...

Just then, an electronic sound reminiscent of something from a spy movie emitted from a high-tech wireless radio in front of the car windshield. Shortly after, a clear female voice rang out, "Zhui Ming calling the boss! Boss! Boss, please respond!"

Adjusting his shirt collar, Emperor Quan replied with a suddenly cool voice, "Speak!"

"Reporting, three tails, location locked down. Wu Qing is at your six o'clock, ready for a mobile sniping setup; Iron Hand has lost your trail, crying and looking for milk to drink..."

"You talk too much!" Emperor Quan's voice grew colder, "Order! Coordinates 133, XX—25, XX. I want them alive!"


As Zhan Se guessed there was a chatterbox on the other end, in less than a minute, another voice came through, "Reporting to the boss, I have another matter."


"I'm really curious, what does it feel like to pick up chicks alone in an ONE—77?"

"Fuck off!"

"Yes! Boss. But, the ONE—77 model looks awesome, yet you're even more handsome than the ONE—77!"

"Why the bullshit? Move to control."

"Yes, boss! Don't worry, we're the best at playing cat and mouse." The girl laughed excitedly, "Reporting to the boss, I'm still very curious, given the risk you're taking just for the sake of being cool..."

"Shut up!"

After growling those two words, Emperor Quan glanced at Zhan Se and reached over to tug at her, his command icy cold.

"Buckle your seatbelt!"

Boss? Mobile sniping? Coordinates? Confused by these random terms and the abrupt change of events, Zhan Se was completely lost. As she buckled her seatbelt, she observed the intense murderous look on the man's face, her heart-rate skyrocketing.

Was he planning to kill her to silence her?

Or was this like shooting an action movie?

After a tense forty minutes, the sports car left the city.

Zhan Se's palms were sweaty as she gripped the seatbelt. Behind the car, three black BMWs were chasing them relentlessly.

With a wicked smirk, Emperor Quan controlled the speed just right, taking pleasure in executing perfect drifts on the highway. Of course, being the world's number one supercar, the Aston Martin ONE—77 had its unique advantages. And the pursuers behind, probably not willing to miss the rare opportunity to see Lord Quan alone, were desperately accelerating to catch up.

"Surname Quan, slow down."

"Go to hell!" Ignoring his veiled scumbag behavior, Zhan Se blurted out angrily, "You may not care about your life, but I do?"

The man smirked without giving her another thought. As if he were piloting a spaceship, he remained focused and calm, a casual breath in his chest, devoid of any normal human emotional fluctuations.

Is he even human?


Just as the ONE—77 had passed a small fork in the road, the man suddenly turned his head, "Babe, hold tight!" With that, he performed a slick gear shift, stepped on the clutch and the accelerator, and took a massive turn down the forked path, the tires screeching against the ground as it shot away.


The pursuers, caught off guard, crashed violently into the guardrail. Immediately after, several loud 'bangs' cut through the silent night sky. It was horrific! Those who weren't skilled enough ended up in a pile-up, with the rear of the cars emitting a white smoke with a burnt scent.

Zhan Se, still in shock, clutched her chest and gasped for air.

"Scared?" Emperor Quan kept his hands on the steering wheel, turning his head to mock with a sarcastic smile.

Finally catching her breath, Zhan Se glared at him, about to express her displeasure at the near-death experience when footsteps 'tap tap tap' approached the car from outside. Soon, someone knocked on the window.


The window rolled down, and Emperor Quan's face turned serious, "Speak."

The man outside was the very same Iron Hand they'd mentioned earlier, looking for milk to drink. He shot Zhan Se a glance and said, "Fourth Master, that 'Dragon Tail Flick' move you just pulled was too slick..."

"Get to the point."

"Yes! One's dead, one committed suicide, and one attempted suicide."