Chapter 48: Sudden Downfall!

"You can ask your student."

"Do you mean Wei Cuo?" Zhan Se frowned in thought for a long time, clutching the chopsticks tightly, before finally shaking his head, "Senior brother, I don't think Wei Cuo did it."

"Why? Doesn't she have a history of stealing?"

"After what she's gone through, the girl has become timid and sensible. When I talked to her today, I could clearly feel her change. Senior brother, people do grow up..."

After a few seconds of eye contact, Zhang Zhongkai smiled warmly, "Se Se, it's not wrong to think the best of people, but after all, she has a criminal record and the opportunity to commit the crime... Besides, didn't you just test her a bit?"

"To tell you the truth, I thought about it. But if I were to ask her, it would definitely cause a relapse of her condition..."

Zhan Se hadn't finished speaking when her gaze suddenly froze.