Chapter 52: Poking God Fourth Master (2)

"My mom never gave birth to such a filthy thing. Don't fucking come here pretending to be family."

"...What... How should I address you?" Boss Wang was getting anxious, his scalp tingling.

With a cold snort, Emperor Quan didn't answer but instead counter-questioned, "Tell me, how much does my wife owe you?"

His wife...

Zhan Se glanced at him and pursed her lips without retorting.

"That... This..." The man's capricious and mercurial temperament left Boss Wang utterly deflated, another layer of fine sweat forming on his forehead. He couldn't get a handle on this young-looking man whose personality was so unfathomably deep, and he had no clue what exactly he had in store for him. Wiping his forehead, Boss Wang's gold-toothed mouth finally forced a smile as he continued to speak.

"That... Sir. Actually, it's not much, just a little over a hundred thousand."

Emperor Quan uttered a light "oh," his eyebrows lifted mischievously as a carefree smile played on his lips.