Chapter 55: Poking God Fourth Master (5)

Her face turned red, and her heart thudded.


After being frozen for quite a while, she finally gathered her wits.

"Hey, I just wanted to thank you for helping me, but I didn't expect you to reveal your true colors again."

The man stared at her intently without making a sound.

Zhan Se pushed against his chest, "Hey, put me down first, then we can talk, okay?"

Seeing her sigh, pout, and raise an eyebrow in a rare display of coquetry, Fourth Master's mood greatly improved. He no longer wished to make her uncomfortable. Instead, he directly troubled her. "Zhan Xiaoyao, you don't need to thank me. Of course, if you're proposing yourself in marriage, I might consider it."

"Proposing myself in marriage? You wish!"

"What? Still turning up your nose at the idea?"

A chill in his voice startled her, and it took a moment for Zhan Se to realize.

Had Lord Quan the Fourth really taken her words so seriously and held a grudge?