Chapter 58: Poking God Fourth Master (8)

Watching Quan Fengyi's retreating figure, she dared not imagine what her stepfather and mother, who were desperate enough to sell their daughter for money, would do when they saw Quan Fengyi's graceful and luxurious demeanor and the generous dowry she brought. Would they eagerly tie her to Emperor Quan's bed...

"She's gone, what are you still looking at?"

The man's lips curved into a smile that was not quite a smile, as he pinched her flushed cheek.

She swatted away his "hairy paw," and Zhan Se felt a bit confused, "Emperor Quan, didn't your sister say you are not interested in women?"

"That's because she doesn't know me." His gaze drew closer and his breathing became heavier. His nose brushed against her cheek as he looked her straight in the eyes and asserted firmly, "Actually, I'm quite lecherous."

"That's men for you. There isn't one who isn't lecherous."

"Oh?" He lifted her chin and lowered his gaze,

"Get lost! I came here to borrow money, Fourth Master Quan."