Chapter 67: The New Daughter-in-law of the Quan Family's Prince (1)

"Emperor Quan..."


"Surname Quan, don't go crazy drunk... Should I ask someone to bring sobering soup?"

"Emperor Quan—!"

Seeing that things had become irreversible, a 'thud thud' of knocking came from outside the door.

"Fourth Master!"

The man stopped in his tracks, "What's the matter?"

"There's a call, an urgent one!"

Pausing for a moment, Black pupils narrowed for two seconds, Emperor Quan patted his head and after a long while, flopped back down, "Got it! I'll be right there!"


Zhan Se breathed a long sigh of relief.

Brother Shou, you're really too kind! Always showing up at the crucial moment.

After staring at her deeply for a few seconds, Emperor Quan grabbed a towel next to him and wrapped it around his body, then patted her cheek, muttering, "Get some rest early."

Biting her lower lip, Zhan Se silently stared at him, swiftly tidying up her own clothes.

That was a close call, narrowly averted!

What luck!