Chapter 81: Got a Fever! (2)

She struggled in his arms with all her might, no longer caring about anything else.

"Emperor Quan, let me go."

Her head swung from side to side, her hair already wet from the rain, becoming even more disheveled, but her body still couldn't escape his confinement.

Her chin squeezed in her grip, Zhan Se's face was covered with rainwater, and his heart was throbbing intensely.

Unable to shake her head free or escape his grasp, she could only shout loudly.

"Hurry up and let go, my hand... You're about to twist it off!"

The man's brows furrowed, and after a slight pause, he released her wrist. However, he still kept her within the bend of his arm, his face returning to a mischievous smile as he stared at her and whispered lowly, "You still say you haven't fallen for me, huh?"

Zhan Se's expression changed, and her mind sparked with a jolt. Instinctively raising her hand, she slapped his face.



The close-range slap hit its mark once again.