Chapter 90 Lord Quan the Fourth Forces a Marriage! (4)

"Be good!"

The man's eyes dimmed slightly as he struggled to prop up his arms. After a two-second pause, he turned onto his side and lay down. Taking a long breath, he extended his arm again to pull her into his embrace.

"Rest assured... When Fourth Master speaks, he keeps his word.

Damn it!

Zhan Se pushed him away, barely holding back a curse. Her heart was filled with silent resentment, cursing the bastard. Yet, she had to analyze the situation rationally.

Chewing this over in her mind, she couldn't help but grind her teeth sarcastically.

"You're nothing but a wolf in sheep's clothing, pretending to be a gentleman."

She gave him a hard shove, and by now, Zhan Se had pretty much resigned herself to her fate.

On one hand, Emperor Quan was right; she adhered to her own promises with an almost pathological dedication. In this aspect, she resembled a typical obsessive-compulsive. If she failed to honor a promise, nothing else she did could put her mind at ease.