Chapter 118: You Are Thirteen's Biological Mother (1)

"So, what's your plan?" Zhan Se asked, looking at the distressed Wei Jibei.

"I was planning to send her to the Juvenile Rehabilitation Center, but her mother heard about it and refused to agree, thinking it wasn't safe," he replied.

"Ha!" In reality, where can one truly be safe?

Wei Jibei seemed genuinely overwhelmed by his daughter's situation. Though he still carried an air of scholarly refinement, it was now tinged with a clear sense of exhaustion. His voice, however, remained as slow and sincere as ever, carrying the charm of a mature man.

"Teacher Zhan, I tried to find another psychological counselor for Little Cuo, but she doesn't easily open up to others. So, I wanted to ask if you'd be interested in providing home counseling for Little Cuo for a while?"

Home counseling? Zhan Se was taken aback.

Back in her school days, Zhan Se had experience tutoring.