Chapter 141: Step by Step Exploration! (4)

"Freaking out here! Do you really not know? Big brother is doing this for you."

Heavens! How could this be for her? It should be for his work.

Zhan Se thought this to herself, but her face only showed a smile, and she did not argue with Zhui Ming.

Then, like a little worker bee, Miss Zhui Ming buzzed around her, endlessly praising how wonderful and great big brother was. In short, in Zhui Ming's eyes, Emperor Quan was an awe-inspiring presence, a true paragon among men.

After listening for a while, Zhan Se suddenly felt a little bitter.

Love indeed is a strange thing. Zhui Ming liked Emperor Quan so much, yet she had to watch helplessly as he married her. How could her heart not ache? It definitely wasn't comfortable. But fortunately, this girl was big-hearted and still able to get along with her. If it were someone like Ai Muran, this matter wouldn't have been so easy—wouldn't she have found a way to secretly get rid of her?

What a pity!