Chapter 148: A Woman Dies for Love (5)

Emperor Quan stopped in his tracks, his narrow fox-like eyes squinting slightly,

This woman...

Standing at the bathroom door, he set her down but said nothing.

Clearly, he had agreed.

Taking a long breath, Zhan Se didn't bother to say more. She turned around to find another one of his robes and slipped out of the bathroom. After her bath, she saw him still sitting on the couch smoking. She paid it no mind. She simply wrapped herself in the long and large robe and hopped into bed. Pulling the blanket over herself, she pointed toward the door and warned in a cautionary tone,

"I'm tired; I'm going to sleep first. From now on, anyone who comes within three feet of this bed is in your off-limits zone!"

The man stood up, casting her a non-threatening glare, and also pulled on his pajamas to take a bath.

Emperor Quan's eyes were somewhat dim. He didn't approach but sat back down on the couch, eyeing her from a distance as he lit up another cigarette.