Chapter 3 My Child Actually Recognizes the Enemy as Mother

Hah, how ironic!

Her child's life hangs in the balance, and yet he's here, all concerned over another woman!

An Xiangrong couldn't help but let out a soft sneer: "Gu Mingyu, so even you have a day like this?"

Gu Mingyu abruptly looked up at her, then lunged at her like a madman.

'Smack!' His hand landed heavily on her face.

"An Xiangrong, you're really vile, the first thing you do after waking up is to come to see me and An Ling making a fool of ourselves, right?"

"Exactly, Gu Mingyu!"

An Xiangrong had lost interest in telling Gu Mingyu that she just wanted to find her child.

He never believed her, what good would it do even if she told the truth?

Enduring the intense pain that felt as though her body was falling apart, she glared at him fiercely.

"I came to see how pitiful the mistress you've held in your hands is! Is she lying dead on this icy operating table? I came to see how pathetic you, Gu Mingyu, really are - killing your own child and still not getting what you wanted!"

Gu Mingyu reached out his large hand, fiercely grabbing An Xiangrong's throat: "An Xiangrong, you dare!"

An Xiangrong didn't struggle, and there wasn't even a trace of pain on her face. She just quietly looked at Gu Mingyu, a faint smile lingering at the corners of her mouth.

It wasn't until her face turned red and purple that Gu Mingyu let go.

He stared at An Xiangrong for quite a while, suddenly gave a cruel smile: "An Xiangrong, you want to curse me so that I can't get what I want? Fine, I'll keep you from getting what you want! That bastard, as long as he lives, you will never see him, not even a glance!"

"You!" In an instant, An Xiangrong seemed to lose all her strength, she fell to the ground in a disheveled heap.

"Gu Mingyu, you really surprised me, turns out a person can be so heartless, every time to the extreme!"

"Gu Mingyu, you're treating me like this now, are you sure that you will not regret it one day?"

Gu Mingyu stared at An Xiangrong, out of nowhere, his body gave a violent shudder.

A strange emotion came and went in the blink of an eye, so fleetingly that he couldn't grasp it.

When he came back to his senses, he was once again the cold and indifferent Gu Mingyu.

"The thing I regret the most in my life... is letting a ruthless and calculating woman like you, An Xiangrong, into my life!"


An Xiangrong was locked up, Gu Mingyu had her locked in a sickroom. Her meals were passed through a small opening in the window every day, and she had to take care of everything on her own.

Pain? Distressing? The desire to die?

This was the result that Gu Mingyu wanted! She, An Xiangrong, deserved to live even worse than a dog!

In the sickroom, An Xiangrong didn't have a cell phone, so she spent the days watching the light come and go. Every day, she'd make a mark on the wall with a pen. On the twentieth day, she saw Gu Mingyu again.

With an expressionless face, Gu Mingyu pushed open the door and looked at her with the same cold, disdainful eyes he always had: "An Xiangrong, congratulations, you can leave this sickroom now."

An Xiangrong suddenly looked up at Gu Mingyu, hope brimming in her eyes.

The man continued, "An Ling is not used to being taken care of by the nurse. She said she wants to eat the food you've cooked. If you know what's good for you, you'll take good care of An Ling."

An Xiangrong stared in disbelief: "Gu Mingyu, am I so cheap in your eyes? So cheap that I have to humble myself to serve another woman and an illegitimate daughter? Let me tell you, in your dreams!"

Gu Mingyu chuckled softly, he leaned in close, his voice icy, "No, An Xiangrong, you definitely will. Because...that bastard is in An Ling's room."

An Xiangrong shuddered and then lowered her head in sadness.

"Fine, Gu Mingyu, I'll go."

Gu Mingyu threw a set of clothes to An Xiangrong: "You're now a maid, look the part. Freshen up and get changed."

Accepting the clothes from Gu Mingyu, An Xiangrong gave a self-mocking laugh.

She had been waiting for him to turn around for more than a decade, but in the end, all she got was this battered and beaten self.

This man, he was completely heartless.

After bathing and changing into the new clothes, An Xiangrong followed Gu Mingyu, slowly moving forward.

This was the first time the man had ever said so many words to her in one go.

"An Xiangrong, whatever An Ling wants you to do, you do it without question or comment. Remember your place now, you are merely An Ling's maid."

"You'd better behave, don't upset An Ling, or else, I'll make sure you'll never see that bastard ever again!"

"Also, An Xiangrong, An ling is weak and all the food must be low in salt, got it?"

"An Ling..."

"An Ling..."

It's always about An Ling!

Enough! Did he still think she hadn't been humiliated enough?

The door to the sickroom was soon pushed open.

An Ling was treated very differently, she was staying in the most luxurious room at Liya Private Hospital, taking up the entire top floor with a living room, kitchen, bedroom... did it look like a hospital room? It was more like a presidential suite.

Before An Xiangrong had even reached An Ling's room, she heard An Ling's voice.

"Good boy, you're Mommy's good boy, Daddy has gone out, but he'll be back soon…"

Good boy? Mommy?

An Xiangrong forcefully pushed Gu Mingyu aside and kicked open the door to the room.

In the room, An Ling was sitting by the bed. Seeing her, a joyous expression crossed An Ling's face.

"Sister, you're here? I've missed you!"

Missed her? She just couldn't wait to have her as her maid!

An Xiangrong looked at the side of An Ling.

Next to her was a transparent incubator with a tiny baby inside it.

Because of premature birth, the baby's skin was still somewhat reddish after twenty days.

He looked so thin, so small... Who caused all the suffering he has endured?

And now this culprit, she claims to be his mother?!

"An Ling, you slut, you mistress! Why do you get to be the mother of my child, you-"

As An Xiangrong was speaking, a strong force dragged her back, and then Gu Mingyu ruthlessly slapped her face.


"An Xiangrong, shut up! What right do you have to criticize An Ling? If it weren't for An Ling, would you be eligible to give birth to my, Gu Mingyu's, child? Let me tell you, as long as An Ling wishes, she is the mother of this bastard!"

"Why, Gu Mingyu! The one who was pregnant for eight months was me! The one dragged onto the operating table for a C-section was me! why can An Ling take my child away?"

"Because I love her! Because you are nothing more than a tool to give birth to this child!"

Gu Mingyu bent down, one hand gripping An Xiangrong's chin: "An Xiangrong, you seem to have forgotten what I said to you..."

"or else I'll make sure you never see that bastard ever again!"