Chapter 6: I Should Have Drowned You In The First Place

Six years later.

The woman, wearing black sunglasses and a linen dress, led a delicate, though he looked slightly pale, little boy by hand, slowly entering the An residence with a real estate agent.

Six years ago, An Group went bankrupt, and all the properties under the An's name were auctioned, including the An Mansion.

After the An Mansion was bought, it was rumored that its inhabitants moved out just half a year later, and it has been on sale since then, but no deal had ever been completed.

"Ms. An, this mansion, along with the underground garage, has a total of five floors. On the top four floors, the first floor is the living room, dining room, and kitchen. The second floor constitutes a leisure room and a dance room. The third floor consists of two bedrooms... The current owner is eager to sell, so the price is lower than the market value!"

An Xiangrong slowly glanced around, her voice flat: "I know. It's because this is a haunted house. Someone died here."

The agent's expression stiffened slightly, a 'haunted house' is a taboo for many people, and if they were not financially troubled, they might have been drawn into buying it for the cheap price. But how could the potential individuals willing to buy a mansion be short of money?

This was also why the house had not been successfully sold till now.

Just as the agent was feeling disheartened and troubled, An Xiangrong said: "I'll buy this house."


"If it's possible, can we complete all the procedures today? I'll pay the full amount."

"Of course, of course! But Ms. An, could you please first pay a deposit, and then I'll immediately to get the paperwork done!"

"No problem, I'll wait for you here."

After An Xiangrong transferred a deposit of fifty thousand, the agent hurriedly left.

The emptiness of the An residence was suddenly occupied only by An Xiangrong and the little boy.

An Xiangrong was holding the little boy's hand slowly walking upwards, a faint smile on her face while the tears rolled down her cheeks, silently.

"Weiwei, this is your mom's house. Once upon a time, your mom, your uncle, your grandparents lived here... Weiwei, mom has taken you to many places, but in the end, she always wanted to come back here. Only here does mom feel…this is where she belongs."

An Xiangrong, leading the little boy, finally arrived at the fourth floor.

Standing in the fourth-floor bedroom and looking out, there was a spacious balcony where her brother once jumped off, arms spread wide, back facing the mansion.

An Xiangrong could no longer control her internal pain, she whimpered out: "Weiwei, mom was not a good sister. Mom watched as your uncle jumped off from there, but in the end, she did not have the courage to get out and collect your uncle's body..."

An Wei tugged An Xiangrong's hand, and when An Xiangrong bent down, he wiped the tears away from An Xiangrong's face: "Mom, none of this is your fault. Mom is the best mom in the world, and you also must be the best sister in the world. Uncle will never blame you."

An Xiangrong held An Wei tight, crying her heart out.

Her An Wei was only five years old, but he was precocious and intelligent to the point it broke one's heart.

"An Wei, mom will do her utmost to protect you; now, no one can hurt you!"

The present her was no longer the An Xiangrong of six years ago who let herself be humiliated.

"Mom, I will also protect you and won't let anyone hurt you."

With firm determination in the little boy's eyes, An Xiangrong felt warmth inside her heart. But seeing An Wei's slightly pale face, she was still somewhat worried.

His premature birth allowed him to survive but left him frail. All these years, An Xiangrong had exhausted her efforts to make his health slightly better. However, compared to other children, An Wei's health was still not good enough.

"Mom, can we take a tour of your home? I want to know what the place where you grew up looks like."

"Alright, mom will take you on a tour."

Back to the familiar place, An Xiangrong was slightly excited. Holding her son's hand, An Xiangrong softly introduced the layout of the mansion.

"Your grandfather was a famous architect. He designed this mansion. This garden was specifically built for mama by grandpa, and this swimming pool was…"

Looking at the swimming pool in front of her, An Xiangrong suddenly froze as her memory drifted back to the past. That time, Gu Mingyu, still bearing the label of being the Gu family's illegitimate child, came to their house for a banquet and was schemed against by the Gu's eldest young master to fall into the pool.

Because Young Master Gu Jun of the Gu family detested his younger brother, Gu Mingyu, no one dared to save him after learning he couldn't swim.

It was only after everyone had left, that she secretly saved Gu Mingyu. If she had known the consequences of her actions, if she knew that saving him would kill her own brother, then she would've left him to drown in the pool.

"Mom, what's wrong?"

An Wei couldn't help but to grab An Xiangrong's hand, as she quietly stared at the swimming pool, her whole being brimming with sorrow and her eyes welling up with tears.

"Mom's okay."

Seeing the worried expression in her son's eyes, An Xiangrong gently wiped the corner of her eyes, "Mom just misses your grandparents, that's all."

"Mom, Weiwei will always be with you, and you still have me."

Although he was only five years old, he displayed a maturity far beyond his years.

This child, he was probably the last bit of consolation that Heaven had given to her. Just as she was about to speak, a clear and crisp laughter echoed from behind, "Weiwei, my darling, have you missed your Auntie?"


Seeing Lin Baobao, An Wei's usually cold face lit up with a smile. Lin Baobao ruffled An Wei's hair and glared at the person in front of her, "Look at you, not even a word to me since you returned home. If it weren't for Mu Yan calling me, how long were you planning to keep me in the dark."

"Well, you know now, don't you?"

"You still have the audacity."

"My apologies."

"Auntie, mom wanted to surprise you. Don't be mad at her."

"For our darling Weiwei's sake, Auntie won't be angry."

How could Lin Baobao really get angry at her best friend of over twenty years? Seeing An Xiangrong's lifeless eyes, her heart ached.

Thinking of the news she herself had brought, Lin Baobao anxiously glanced at An Xiangrong, "Ah Rong, do you really want the Splendid Area project?"

Seeing the look in Lin Baobao's eyes, An Xiangrong asked in a soft voice, "Is there a problem?"

"I heard from my sister that An Ling is also interested in the Splendid Area project."

Upon hearing this name, An Xiangrong subconsciously clenched her fists. After a few seconds of silence, she chuckled coldly, "She doesn't know that the Splendid Area was designed by my brother before his death, does she? If she wants this project, isn't she afraid of my brother's restless spirit haunting her?"

She was laughing, but An Xiangrong's eyes were full of bone-deep hatred.

Worried even more, Lin Baobao quietly coaxed, "Ah Rong, why not just forget about it? You and Weiwei have enough money to live comfortably. You..."

"I can't forget."

Not waiting for Lin Baobao to complete her sentence, An Xiangrong interrupted her softly, "I want to, but the nightmare of the past six years keeps haunting me. Every time I close my eyes, I can remember my brother's death. He pampered me so much, gave me everything, but I didn't even dare to collect his body, I…"

"Ah Rong, don't say anymore."

Seeing the pain in An Xiangrong's eyes, Lin Baobao quickly embraced her.

"Baobao, I resent it so much…"

She hated him just as much as she hated herself.

"I know, I know it all."

Lin Baobao comforted An Xiangrong softly, her eyes filled with pain. She may not know the full story between Xiangrong and that person, but seeing the An family fall apart and all their assets in the hands of An Ling, the foster daughter of the An family, she could understand An Xiangrong's reluctance to give in.

"Ah Rong, whatever you want to do, go ahead. I, along with Mu Yan, will support you."