Chapter 35 Escape


"Ah Yu, save me..."

An Xiangrong was pressing down hard, An Ling's head was continuously hitting the ground. Everyone watching had different reactions. Lin Baobao looked delighted, while Gu Mingyu had a complex expression. Hearing An Ling's cries, he started to move.

But he'd only taken two steps when the person kneeling quietly turned around, holding a dagger at An Ling's neck, "Don't come any closer."

An Xiangrong's voice was calm, but her eyes were filled with endless hatred.

"An Xiangrong, if you dare to harm her, I will grind the An family to dust."

Hearing Gu Mingyu's words, the dagger in An Xiangrong's hand trembled.

Even though her heart was numbed with pain, she flinched unexpectedly upon hearing his words, the pain making her almost breathless.

"Young Master Gu?"

As Gu Mingyu took a step forward, Lin Qing got in his way.