Chapter 38: Never A Gentleman

"You said you saw it?"

"Yes, I really saw it, there were two ghosts."

An Ling was intermittently speaking while holding Gu Mingyu's hand. By the end of it, Gu Mingyu's eyes were filled with cold harshness.

The next night, after An Xiangrong had fallen asleep, Lin Baobao still slipped out of the house.

"Why are you out so late?"

Mu Yan's car was parked around the corner. Seeing Lin Baobao coming out, he angrily pushed open the car door.

"Don't say anything, Ah Rong already knows."

After briefly explaining what had happened the night before, Lin Baobao looked at Mu Yan in the driver's seat, "Are we still going to dress up as ghosts and scare the white lotus?"

Upon hearing Lin Baobao's words, Mu Yan frowned, thought for a while, and then spoke softly, "Let's do it one last time tonight, and then call it quits."

With that, the two left directly for the hospital.

With the previous night's experience, Lin Baobao and Mu Yan made their way to An Ling's ward in a familiar manner.