Chapter 45 Is this your love?

Looking at the person sitting across from her, Xia Meng spoke with a low voice full of anticipation. At the mention of the word 'marriage', Li San's eyelids flickered.

Averting his eyes to Xia Meng, he couldn't help asking, "Can't we get married if I don't leave the courtyard?"


As soon as Li San finished speaking, Xia Meng retorted instantly.

"Why? I don't understand."

"You don't understand? Of course you don't."

Having risen from her seat, Xia Meng sat down again abruptly. Mockery filled her eyes as she looked at Li San, "After marriage comes kids, right? Do you know how much it costs to raise a child these days? Do you know that children need not only schooling but also various extracurricular classes?"

"Due to lack of money, Xia Hua hasn't attended school yet, while other kids her age have completed two years of kindergarten. Are you asking me to stay here in the courtyard with you and watch our child become another Xia Hua?"