Chapter 62: Business was Robbed

After a long silence, An Ling suddenly spoke, "Ah Yu, I want to open a jewelry store, but I lack design resources. Can you find me some designers?"

"A jewelry store?" Upon hearing An Ling's words, curiosity lit up in Gu Mingyu's eyes.

Seeing her nodding, he continued in a nonchalant tone, "Where do you want to open it?"

"On ZhongNan Road."

"The business there has been good lately. I want to open a new store there. What do you think?"

While speaking, An Ling observed Gu Mingyu's expression attentively but his eyes remained unchanged, he simply nodded. "Okay."

"You choose the location. Once you're done, I'll ask Song Yi to find a designer for you."

"Thank you, Ah Yu. You've always been the kindest to me."

An Ling thought Gu Mingyu would say something when he heard about ZhongNan Road, but to her surprise, he agreed so quickly. Lowering her head to kiss him, her lips were dodged by him before they even touched.

Gu Mingyu steadied his emotions, reaching up to pat An Ling's head.