Chapter 66: New Vest Falls Off

She looked up at Gu Mingyu, her eyes hardened with a cold chill as they noticed the necklace in his hands.

She stood up and immediately stretched out her hand, "Give me back the necklace, I quit the competition."

No one had expected An Xiangrong would be so steadfast. He was Gu Mingyu, after all. The crowd stared at An Xiangrong, stood there in her green outfit, too surprised to put it into words.

At this point, An Ling could no longer suppress her feelings.

Running up on stage, she positioned herself right next to Gu Mingyu, "Ah Yu, it's only a necklace, why must you..."

"Are you sure you want to leave the competition?"

Ignoring An Ling, Gu Mingyu cut her off and addressed An Xiangrong directly, not surprised at all by her decision.



Seeing An Xiangrong nod in agreement, Gu Mingyu smiled. Yet, to her, that smile held an inexplicable danger, an ominous presentiment twirling in her chest.