Chapter 72: Let the young master give a blood transfusion?

"Even so, it doesn't necessarily prove the work wasn't plagiarized, right?"

Lin Wei, looking at the still-composed An Xiangrong, raised her voice to speak.

"Whether it's plagiarism, there are ways to discern."

A cold voice came from afar, Mo Yun stepped onto the stage with a smile. Addressing the crowd, he took the microphone directly from the hands of his supporter, "I'm the organizer of this competition, Mo Yun."

"Since Miss Lin repeatedly accuses it of being plagiarism, as it's plagiarism, can I also say that Miss Lin plagiarized Miss Xiangrong's work?"

"Me, plagiarize her? Do you think I would?"

Lin Wei's eyes were full of anger, but Mo Yun just smiled, "That's hard to say."

Having said that, Mo Yun turned to Gu Mingyu, "President Gu, how would your Gu Group deal with designers involved in plagiarism allegations?"

"Dismissal, banned from rehiring."

Once Mo Yun finished speaking, Gu Mingyu responded instantly.

While speaking, he looked directly at Lin Wei.