Chapter 75 Gu Mingyu, what do you want to do

"Gu Mingyu, if I am not mistaken, the person you love is An Ling, right? Now why are you rushing over here to see An Xiangrong?"

"You donated blood to me, the debt is mine, and I will repay you."

"What a shame, the blood transfusion was a deal I made with An Xiangrong."

"You can leave, she will stay here with me today."

As he spoke the last sentence, Gu Mo'an's eyes were full of faint smiles. Having said this, he turned around and left. The more awful Gu Mingyu's expression looked, the more he wanted to laugh.

But soon, Gu Mo'an could not laugh any longer.

"Gu Mingyu, what are you trying to do?"

Upon hearing the roaring sound of a car, Gu Mo'an's eyes widened.

The man sat in the car, gripped the steering wheel, backed the car up a few meters, then directly stepped on the accelerator.

Gu Mo'an instinctively took a few steps back. When he saw the car rushing straight at him, he instinctively used his arm to block his face.

A loud noise rang out in the night.