Chapter 83: I am the Boss

Gu Mingyu paid no heed to Gu Mo'an, his gaze fell directly on An Xiangrong. Her dark green cheongsam made her complexation appear even fairer, under the light, she seemed to be glowing like an illuminated crystal.

However, throughout, she appeared as if she had not seen him at all, merely looking at the others at the table with an indifferent expression.

At this moment, the man sitting on the sofa eyeing Gu Mo'an with a smile, said, "Master Gu, this is then the Miss Xiangrong you spoke of, correct?"

The man who spoke was a Mr. Wang, from an outside family but considered prestigious within Rong City. Hearing Mr. Wang's words, Gu Mo'an responded with his usual smile, "Indeed, Miss Xiangrong and I are dear friends. I heard that Madame Wang has a liking for jewelry, so I brought her here to chat with you. Mr. Wang, you wouldn't mind, would you?"