Chapter 100: Investigating the Past

When Lin Baobao saw An Xiangrong, she immediately went over to her, only to notice the tear stains on her face.

"Who bullied you?"

Looking at the tightly closed door behind her, Lin Baobao had a look of anger in her eyes. However, An Xiangrong directly grabbed her hand, gently shook her head, and spoke in a low voice, "Let's go, let's go home."

Lin Baobao wanted to say something, but An Xiangrong pulled her away.

However, just as they were turning the corner, they ran into An Ling coming towards them.

An Xiangrong wanted to pretend she hadn't seen An Ling, but An Ling blocked her way, "Sister?"

"Get out of the way."

One word after another, An Xiangrong's eyes flickered with impatience. Upon seeing An Xiangrong's swollen eyes, An Ling felt a twinge of delight and instead of retreating, she stepped forward, "Sis, I really didn't know about the perfume."

Looking at the distant figures walking towards them, An Ling squeezed out a smile.