I can't wait to leave you, number 103.

Upon hearing these words, Gu Mo'an fell silent, and after a long while, he couldn't help asking, "May I know what method you used to make him agree?"

"It's not important."

After throwing down these words, An Xiangrong directly hung up. Looking at the disconnected call, Gu Mo'an's eyes were filled with complexity; however, his face soon broke into a smile.

When An Xiangrong left the house, it was already half-past seven. She had hoped the rain would stop for a while but not only did it not stop, it instead seemed to become heavier.

Just as she stepped out of the door, she was soaked by the rainwater. An Xiangrong swiftly opened the car door.

"When did you come back?"

Looking at Mu Yan who was sitting in the driver's seat, An Xiangrong's eyes were full of surprise.

Mu Yan's eyes were filled with anger when he heard An Xiangrong's words, his anger deepened. "If I had not returned, were you not planning to inform me?"

Upon hearing Mu Yan's words, An Xiangrong fell silent.