Chapter 116: Who exactly is the child's parents!

"You think if you return what I've lost, I should forgive you? What about my brother? Can you bring my brother's life back?"

An Xiangrong's voice was not loud, but each word was an accusation.

"Gu Mingyu, what are you going to give me for my brother's life?"

By the time she reached the last sentence, An Xiangrong's face was beaming with a faint smile, but there was not a hint of amusement in her eyes, only endless gloom.

Seeing his silence, An Xiangrong sneered and walked straight into the villa.

"Young Master Gu, are you alright?"

Seeing Gu Mingyu's pale face, Song Yi couldn't help but speak up, but the man just shook his head and got straight into the car.

The villa.

"Ah Rong, it seems Gu Mingyu really did return everything to you, but how could An Ling agree to this?"

Lin Baobao was flipping through the documents on the table, and her eyes were filled with excitement when she saw the contents.

"She definitely wouldn't agree."

"Then these?"