Chapter 129: Don't Provoke Me Casually

What shocked them even more came next, as An Xiangrong directly pulled out the small knife stuck in Xie An's hand. She grabbed a nearby towel and forcefully wiped her pale fingers. Then, sweating profusely, Xie An looked up and spoke, "Stop messing with me, or you won't be able to bear the consequences."

After saying this, An Xiangrong immediately left the private room.

Haozi and Lao Da took the cue and followed suit, with Da Tou sticking close to Haozi.

"Miss Xiangrong?"

Upon reaching the outside of the tea house, Haozi looked at the woman before him. Her figure was delicate and contrasted starkly with the brutal persona from before.

"Evil deeds will eventually be punished. This time, I'll let you go."

An Xiangrong didn't look back. Hearing the voice behind her, she merely replied indifferently then got into the car and left.

Inside the private room.

Looking at his injured hand, the eyes of Xie An were filled with darkness, but he burst out in cold laughter.