Chapter 140: Follow Her, Don't Let Anything Happen to Her


"But what?"

Upon hearing those first few words, Lin Baobao let out a sigh of relief, but the turn in the sentence that followed raised her heart once again.

Meeting Lin Baobao's eyes, the doctor began solemnly, "When we just performed a gastric lavage on Miss Lin, we found some psychiatric medicine in her system."

"Psychiatric medicine?"

Lin Baobao's eyes were full of surprise. If she weren't absolutely certain there was nothing wrong with her hearing, she would have doubted if she had heard correctly. In Lin Baobao's mind, Lin Qing had always been a gentle and generous person. She couldn't understand why her sister would have any psychiatric illness.

"If I'm not mistaken, I suspect Miss Lin has severe depression. However, we would need to carry out a detailed examination to ascertain this."

After uttering those words, the doctor promptly left.