Chapter 144: You are nothing more than a Bastard

The car plunged directly towards the crowd. Seeing the crowd right before their eyes, An Xiangrong couldn't help but shut her eyes. But when the car was about to crash into the nearest person, the man suddenly swerved a hundred and eighty degrees around, driving the car straight through a nearby alleyway.

The group of men was stunned into a standstill. It took a few seconds before the leading man, his eyes full of gloom, spoke up, "What are you standing around for? Go after them quickly!"

Finished speaking, he jumped into a car parked nearby.

The roads in Nan City were all narrow alleyways, just wide enough to fit one car. However, as they drove forward, the alley in front was even too narrow for one car.

Yet, the car from behind still caught up.

"I want to see how you'll run now!"