Chapter 149: I've Loved You for 6 Years!

"What 80 million? I have no idea what you're talking about."

"An Ling, how about we make a deal."

An Xiangrong slowly squatted down, looking into An Ling's eyes, "As long as you tell me where this 80 million has gone, I will let you go. Deal?"

"You...are you serious?"

At the mention of the word 'leave', An Ling's eyes lit up. For a while, she had been living a life worse than death. She was given meals every day, but the person who delivered them just left the food at the door and walked away.

In this world, it felt like she was the only one left.

If this carried on, An Ling knew she would go insane. Thus, when she heard An Xiangrong say that she would let her go, her eyes were burning with enthusiasm.

As if she hadn't noticed the excitement in An Ling's eyes, An Xiangrong's expression remained indifferent, "I keep my word. You just need to tell me where the 80 million has gone, and I will let you go."

"That money, I used it to bribe the doctor."