Chapter 160 How Did She Get Out?

Upon hearing An Xiangrong's words, Li San nodded.

They left the Night Club immediately.

Just as Li San was about to start the car, he heard An Xiangrong's voice, "Wait a minute." Confusion filled his eyes, but hearing An Xiangrong's voice, Li San didn't say anything and took out his keys.

The two of them sat in the car quietly for five minutes, and just as Li San was about to speak, they saw Gu Hai leaving the Night Club with his bodyguards.

Seeing Gu Hai's car pulling away, An Xiangrong whispered, "Li San, follow him."

Li San didn't say a word, he just started the car.

Watching Gu Hai's car head directly to the urban area, An Xiangrong thought she was overthinking, but Gu Hai's car drove directly to an ordinary residential area after circling around the city.

Looking from outside the community, it seemed very ordinary. At least, someone like Gu Hai wouldn't live here, but after getting out of his car, he walked in very naturally with a face of familiarity.