Chapter 166 This ring you bought is not for me

"It's Miss Xiangrong."

Looking at the man across, Gu Mo'an said indifferently. Upon hearing him, Gu Mingyu suddenly fell silent.

Picking up the teacup in front of him, Gu Mo'an casually relayed everything An Xiangrong had done recently, "Although I don't know how she did it, your quick release is indeed thanks to her."

Gu Mo'an's voice was very soft, but each word fell clearly into Gu Mingyu's ears.

"So, if you really want to…" Gu Mo'an paused, looking at the man across from him. Before he could finish his sentence, the man abruptly stood up from the sofa and walked past him hurriedly.

Observing Gu Mingyu's retreating figure, Gu Mo'an's eyes revealed a complex expression.

The man at the door hesitated before walking away saying, "Thank you."

Although Gu Mingyu's voice was soft, Gu Mo'an heard him clearly. Hearing these two words, a bright smile spread across Mo'an's face.

"Young Master, why did you help the second master this time?"