Chapter 190: Another Man Appears

"Senior sister, are you going out this late?"

"I just called Mu Yan, and it seems that something has gone wrong."

"What happened?"

"I'm not sure yet, but I heard gunshots."


Upon hearing An Xiangrong's words, Liu Xi's eyes were full of worry. To her knowledge, such things only happened in TV dramas.

"I'll tell you when I get back, I have to go..."

"Senior sister, I'll go with you."

Before An Xiangrong finished her sentence, Liu Xi interrupted her in a soft voice, simultaneously grabbing her hand.

"Liu Xi, you shouldn't come with me. It's dangerous."

"Senior sister, you said it's dangerous. I'm a doctor, if something happens, I can help."

"Alright, let's go."

Without waiting for further talk, Liu Xi directly pulled An Xiangrong into the car.

If she had known what was going to happen next, An Xiangrong would never have let Liu Xi come with her.