Chapter 204 I Can't Marry You

When she saw Song Yi, Liu Xi could only think of the incident that happened that day, so she really didn't want to see him. However, Song Yi had been here the whole time, and she could even hear his voice from inside.

Out of respect for Song Yi's status, Liu Xi turned to him and asked, "Mr. Song, why have you been looking for me?"

"I'm sorry!"

The man approached her and suddenly bent down to apologize. Looking into his apologetic eyes, Liu Xi was taken aback. The even more surprising part was yet to follow.

Song Yi took a box from the couch and gave it to Liu Xi, "Miss Liu, this is for you."

"Let's get married."



Lin Baobao was worried that something might happen to Liu Xi, so she had been sitting on the couch the whole time. Just as she was about to take a sip of water, she heard Song Yi's words and choked on her drink.

Stunned, Liu Xi had completely forgotten to feel upset.