Chapter 212: You Have No Right to Touch What's Mine

When she saw the elevator doors open, Qiao Yi walked right over, but became speechless at the sight before her.

Hearing Qiao Yi's voice, An Xiangrong pushed away the man standing next to her.

"I won't let go."

Gazing into An Xiangrong's eyes, Gu Mingyu spoke under his breath.

Only after deeply looking at An Xiangrong once, did the man leave the An Group building. Watching his retreating figure, An Xiangrong's eyes were filled with complex emotions.

Not until Gu Mingyu's figure disappeared around the corner did Qiao Yi step forward, "Miss Xiangrong, are you all right?"

"I'm fine."

Shaking her head, An Xiangrong stepped out of the elevator.

Loading at the door of her office, An Xiangrong instructed Qiao Yi, "The new designer from Gu Group will be coming over. You will be in charge of receiving them."


She moved into her office, sinking into the couch. The warmth on her lips still lingered, as she wrapped herself up into a ball with a flurry of thoughts.