Chapter 215: How Did You Get Here?

As for Song Yi, An Xiangrong knew him fairly well, and if Liu Xi really married him, An Xiangrong thought it would be quite good. Except for what happened that one time.

At this thought, a hint of hesitancy flashed in An Xiangrong's eyes.

Just as she was about to speak, Song Yi's voice came, "Miss Xiangrong, I know what worries you. I truly love her, love her as a person, nothing else."

Perhaps it was because Song Yi's expression was so sincere that An Xiangrong nodded, "Alright, I'll keep what you said in mind."

"Thank you, Miss Xiangrong."

"Don't get too excited too soon, after all, it's up to Liu Xi to decide about this."

Seeing Song Yi's eyes full of smiles, An Xiangrong couldn't help but speak.

However, Song Yi clearly didn't take her words to heart, and left her office directly, his eyes full of smiles as he left.