Chapter 222: Mother alive, father unknown...

"Young Master Gu, you've arrived?"

After leaving KFC, Gu Mingyu took An Xiangrong to a restaurant. As they had just arrived at the entrance, they saw the manager coming out from inside.

Respect was written all over his face.

Seeing the manager approach, Gu Mingyu spoke in an indifferent tone, "I'm here today just to have a meal, prepare some dishes suitable for children and pregnant women."

"Make it fast."

As he was walking inside, the man unexpectedly added those two words. The manager glanced at An Xiangrong and An Wei, quickly nodding, "Yes."

Under the guidance of the manager, the three went directly into the private dining room.

A few minutes later, the table was full of various dishes.

Gu Mingyu first served a bowl of soup to An Xiangrong, "Have some soup first."

Then he placed another bowl in front of An Wei, "It's a bit hot, be careful and drink it slowly."

"Hmm, I know."

"Mom, can we go for a walk after we finish eating, I want to..."

"Don't talk while eating."