Chapter 226: The Child Was Kidnapped?

"Don't forget, in Rong City, as long as I wish, there's nothing I can't do."


"Why aren't you coming down?"

At this moment, An Wei looked strangely at An Xiangrong, who was standing there. Hearing the sound, Gu Mingyu unconsciously turned his head.

When their gazes met, he wasn't sure if it was just his imagination, but he felt the chill in An Xiangrong's eyes seemed to have softened.

"Are you ready?"

As he spoke, Gu Mingyu got up from the sofa directly. Seeing her coming down, he instinctively held out his hand.

Before An Xiangrong could react, her hand was already placed on his palm.

She instinctively tried to pull her hand back, but he held it firmly, "Watch your step."

As he spoke, he led her towards the outside.

"Uncle Mu Yan, let's go too."

"You're going too?"