Chapter 230 Someone is Coming!

However, Feng Ji quickly regained his usual composure, "What do you need from me?"

Looking at An Xiangrong, Feng Ji asked in a low voice.

"I indeed came to ask for your help, Mr. Feng," she said.

"Tell me what you need. I owe your brother a favor. Since he has passed away, I'll pay it to you. Just ask whatever you want. After today, I owe nothing to your brother."

"Mr. Feng, has your Yu Ming Hall taken in a girl today?"

"A girl?"

Bewilderment marked Feng Ji's face. He turned toward his bodyguard, who, upon hearing An Xiangrong's question, stepped forward and whispered something into Feng Ji's ear.

Feng Ji looked uncomfortable with what the bodyguard had said.

From this reaction, An Xiangrong confirmed that Xiao Hua had been taken by Feng Ji's people.

She told Feng Ji, "Give me the girl, and your debt to my brother will be paid."

"You're late," said Feng Ji.

"What do you mean?"

Hearing Feng Ji's words, An Xiangrong turned pale.