Chapter 234: Alert!

Gu Mingyu didn't sit down again, but stood straight at the entrance of the operating room.

When Mu Yan and Lin Baobao arrived at the hospital, they saw the man's unyielding back, and for some reason, they could see a hint of desolation in it.

"How's Ah Rong?"

Lin Baobao looked at Xiao Han who was beside her, and asked directly.

Xiao Han succinctly explained the situation before continuing, "Now, all we can do is wait for the surgery to end to know the result."

"Can the child survive if she's forced to deliver at this time?"

"As the saying goes, seven out, eight not alive. From a medical point of view, the child has fully developed by this time, but Miss Xiangrong is carrying twins, so…"

Survival rate would be even lower.

Xiao Han didn't finish the sentence, but everyone present could guess it.

Just as Lin Baobao was about to say something, the door of the operating room opened. Just as she was about to cross, a figure rushed up.