Chapter 249 Details

"Play however you want."


As his words fell, Wen Xu removed the watch from his wrist and casually tossed it onto the nearby table, "Whoever makes her cry, gets this watch."

"Young Master Wen, isn't this too…"

The first bodyguard to enter the room couldn't help but speak up after hearing his words. But seeing Wen Xu's expression, he dared not say anything further.

Outsiders often comment on Second Young Master Wen's gentle personality, but only they, the bodyguards, knew that the man standing in front of them was not only violent but also extremely deranged.

Wen Xin felt like a marionette, devoid of any sense of control. She didn't know how long it had been when the belt around her waist was unbuckled and a piece of clothing was thrown over her body.

"Miss, are you alright?"

Wen Xin turned her head and found the bodyguard who had spoken for her earlier, "Can you give me that handkerchief?"

Wen Xin pointed to the black handkerchief next to the sofa foot and croaked.