Chapter 252 It's My Duty to Take Care of My Senior!

She thought Mu Chengfeng would say something else, but he simply glanced at Lin Baobao before passing her the key he held.

Accepting the key from his hand, Lin Baobao then turned to An Xiangrong, saying, "I'm leaving."

When leaving, Lin Baobao shot a fierce glare at Mu Chengfeng.

"Does Young Master Mu need something else?"

After Lin Baobao left, Mu Chengfeng still stayed behind.

Gazing at the man who was still standing there, Gu Mingyu finally spoke.

Mu Chengfeng did not look at Gu Mingyu, but turned to An Xiangrong instead, "I have a few questions for Miss Xiangrong."

"Does Young Master Mu want to ask about Baobao?"

"Baobao, is that her name? Not bad."

After saying Lin Baobao's name to himself a couple of times, Mu Chengfeng was all smiles. The sight of it made An Xiangrong twitch the corner of her mouth involuntarily.