Chapter 263 What to do? What to do?

Swiftly, she poured a big bottle of haemostatic agent all over the wound and her hands.

"All right, the blood is successfully stemmed."

Xiao Han sighed in relief upon seeing that blood has stopped flowing out.

Turning to Cu Yang, he murmured, "Let's go, hurry to the hospital."

"Oh, right, give Gu Mo'an a call. There will probably need to be a blood transfusion during surgery."

Unable to think of anyone else with the same blood type as Gu Mingyu, they had to contact Gu Mo'an first.

The car zoomed all the way and quickly reached the hospital entrance.

"Miss Xiangrong?"

Everyone's attention was on Gu Mingyu's condition. However, Cu Yang recalled that An Xiangrong was also injured. Seeing An Xiangrong collapsing to the side, he quickly rushed over.

"Senior sister?"

Liu Xi was just removing her formal attire when she noticed An Xiangrong entirely covered in blood, and her eyes welled up with tears.

"Let's go, let's first get them into the operating room."