Chapter 272: Don't Let Her Step Away

"But this time, if Young Master Mu hadn't rushed to save me, I suppose I would have lost my life."

"Not really."

It was mostly An Xiangrong and Chui Rong talking, but when Gu Mingyu heard this, he cut in.

Chui Rong and An Xiangrong looked at the man simultaneously. Meeting their puzzled gazes, he calmly said, "Good people don't live long, and scoundrels live for a thousand years."

Chui Rong: "....."

An Xiangrong: "....."

The chat was suddenly killed in mid-air.

The car slowly drove towards the suburbs. As they were nearing, An Xiangrong noticed the man beside her suddenly turned cold and stern.

She reached out her hand to take his gently.

He turned his head towards her and softly smiled, "I'm alright."

Rehabilitation hospital room.

"You beast, let me go, I'm the mother of Gu Mingyu! How dare you bring me here, let me go."

Whether it was Cu Yang or the other bodyguards, none of them paid her any mind.