Chapter 274: It's not a test, it's a collaboration

"Why would I tell...Ah…"

The man's words were cut short by a punch from the bodyguard standing nearby, causing him to scream in pain.

Watching the man lying on the ground, Gu Hai casually picked up the teapot from the table and poured himself a cup of tea.

Picking up the cup, he took a sniff of the smell in the cup. Seeming dissatisfied, he frowned but still took a sip.

With a hint of disdain flashing in his eyes, Gu Hai put down the tea cup and looked at the man on the ground, "I'm not a patient man. Answer me when I ask and save yourself some pain."

Gu Hai's voice was quiet, but carried an unbearable chill. Seeing the undisguised danger in his eyes, the man quickly responded, "I'll tell...I'll tell everything."

After speaking, he got up from the floor, advanced to Gu Hai, lowered his head and whispered a few words. Whatever he said, it seemed to amuse Gu Hai.