Chapter 282: Why, Why Did This Happen

"What's been on your mind for a while, or did something happen?"

As he spoke, he sat directly next to An Xiangrong, holding her hand in his.

Feeling the warmth in his palm, An Xiangrong snapped back to reality.

Remembering what Lin Baobao had shared with her today, An Xiangrong couldn't help asking him, "Do you know about Song Yi's family situation?"

"A bit. Why do you ask?"

An Xiangrong recapped her conversation with Lin Baobao before continuing, "Liu Xi has a sensitive personality. If Song Yi's mother is too domineering, I worry about Liu Xi."

Upon hearing An Xiangrong's concerns, Gu Mingyu frowned. He fully recognized Song Yi's professional capabilities, but he wasn't sure what to say about this matter.

Looking at An Xiangrong, he suggested softly, "Why don't you call Liu Xi and ask how things are?"

"I did."

An Xiangrong had already made the call after Lin Baobao left.

"So, what did she say?"

"She said she's fine."