Chapter 291: This is Clearly an Enemy, Right?

If there was anything that An Xiangrong was scared of, dogs would be the first thing.

When An Xiangrong was very young, she was bitten by a German Shepherd. Since then, she couldn't breathe normally whenever she saw a dog.

The sight of a dog alone would make her wish for death, not to mention a pack of dogs.

However, she knew she had to remain calm and not be impulsive at this moment.

Hearing Gu Mingyu's words, An Xiangrong tightly clenched her fists. Even though she was terrified, she did not make a sound.

A familiar warmth suddenly filled her palm. Gu Mingyu knew An Xiangrong was scared of dogs, hence he held her hand tightly.

"Woof woof..."

The once quiet area instantly filled with the sound of barking dogs, making An Xiangrong's face pale immediately.

A black dog lunged at both Gu Mingyu and An Xiangrong, but Gu Mingyu swiftly pulled out a dagger and plunged it deep into the dog's neck.

The previously noisy dog fell silent and collapsed to the ground.