Chapter 309: Are you really okay?

Watching them exit, An Xiangrong couldn't resist asking the man beside her, "What did he say to you? Why are you so upset?"

Although Gu Mingyu hadn't said anything or shown any palpable anger, An Xiangrong had clearly sensed something was amiss about his mood.

On hearing An Xiangrong's question, Gu Mingyu softly replied, "Not much, just a minor issue."

If it were really a minor thing, Gu Mingyu would have kept his emotions in check.

However, he visibly seemed unwilling to elaborate, so An Xiangrong chose not to press further.

"I need to have a word with Zhi'an. Wait for me downstairs."


Gu Mingyu didn't object to An Xiangrong's arrangement and straightaway got into the elevator.

Upon entering the ward, An Xiangrong saw a pensive Xu Zhian looking rather low-spirited, without a clue about her thoughts.

Reflecting on the conversation with Xu Mo, An Xiangrong softened her voice, "Zhi'an?"

"Miss Xiangrong."

Upon hearing An Xiangrong's voice, Xu Zhian faintly smiled.