Chapter 313: Others Can't, But I Can

Upon seeing An Xiangrong put the food into her mouth, Xu Zhian asked with expectant eyes.

"Hmm, it's quite good."

An Xiangrong has tasted many delicacies. This braised belt fish might not have the best flavor, but it had a distinctive taste.

Soon, An Xiangrong understood what this taste was.

"Boss, how much is the total?"

"Miss Xu, you're a regular. Twenty-five will do."

"You can't sell at a loss just because I'm a regular customer, it's clearly thirty."

The restaurant was run by a young couple. The husband cooked in the kitchen while the wife cleared tables and handled the cash outside.

After Xu Zhian paid, An Xiangrong followed and came out together.

"You're quite familiar with the boss?"

"Yeah, I've been here a few times."

"Wait a moment for me."

After that, An Xiangrong went back into the shop. When she came out, she was holding a takeaway box.